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Artwork based on Spiromat

These images are examples of art work based on Spiromat pictures. They were created using Adobe® Photoshop® and Adobe Illustrator®.

A Flower

A Flower Artwork The Spiromat was used to create a picture and export it as an SVG file. The SVG file was opened in Illustrator and the elements were ungrouped until the three figures were separated. Each figure was given a gradient fill and stroke color.

The remaining steps were done in Photoshop: placing the Illustrator picture as a Smart Object in a separate layer and applying a couple of layer effects.

Metallic Gemstone

Metallic Gemstone The Spiromat was used to create a picture and export it as an SVG file. The SVG file was opened in Illustrator and a circle was placed behind it. The circle was divided into subsections by choosing the menu item "Objects > Path > Divide Objects Below". Then each section was given a gradient fill and stroke color.

The remaining steps were done in Photoshop: placing the Illustrator picture as a Smart Object in a separate layer and applying a couple of layer effects.

Stars and Moon

Stars and Moon The Spiromat was used to create a picture and export it as an SVG file. The SVG file was opened in Illustrator and the elements were ungrouped. Then each figure was given a gradient fill and stroke color.

The remaining steps were done in Photoshop: placing the Illustrator picture as a Smart Object in a separate layer and apply a couple of effects.

Kids Flower

Kids Flower The Spiromat was used to create a simple figure and export it as an SVG file. The SVG file was opened in Illustrator and the elements were ungrouped. Then the figure was given a yellow fill and a red stroke color. Finally the leafs and the stem were drawn.

The remaining steps were done in Photoshop: placing the Illustrator picture as a Smart Object in a separate layer and apply a couple of effects. | | Legal Notice and Trademarks | Privacy
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