admaDIC App Development & IT Solutions
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The My Time for Me Logo My Time for Me

The My Time for Me App screenshot

Supports MindWave™ Mobile+ EEG-Headset by NeuroSky, Inc.

Collect your daily feelings together with meditation values using the NeuroSky MindWave™ Mobile headset. Add further information like nice things or monthlies to your daily record. The weather is either added automatically or you can record it manually.

  • Use Dark Mode if you like
  • Select which topics should be collected
  • Check your Biorhythm for the day or others
  • Chart Overviews with Feeling Data
  • Data summarized in a Calendar View
  • Use Widgets to get a quick info on the home screen

Please look at the main page for the apps for more details.

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The My Time for Me App - on the App Store

The Shopping List for Me Logo The Shopping List for Me

The Shopping List for Me App screenshot

Manage your shopping lists in the Shopping List for Me app.

  • Create shopping lists for different stores.
  • Sort items and close list after shopping.
  • Synchronize with friends or family members.
  • Synchronize using iCloud.
  • Synchronize using Dropbox.
  • Works with our Cookbook app. Import recipe ingredients directly from The Cookbook for Me app.

Dropbox integration (steps also described in the app):

  • Dropbox Account is needed.
  • Configure file access on by selecting 'Create a new app'.
  • Set type of access for the app to 'App folder'.
  • In Permissions enable scopes:
    • files.content.write, files.metadata.write, file_requests.write,
  • In section 'Settings' for the app you can find your App key; copy the key into the Dropbox configuration screen.
  • In section OAuth 2 define your redirect URI and copy it into Dropbox configuration screen.

Please look at the main page for the apps for more details.

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The Shopping List for Me App - on the App Store

XCArchive Distribution Manager Logo XCArchive Distribution Manager

XCArchive Distribution Manager App screenshot

Add entitlements to iOS app xcarchive files easily! If you are tired of entering signing commands in the terminal, this is the right app for you. Select an xcarchive file, a distribution certificate and a provisioning profile. A list of entitlements will be shown. Select the ones, which shall be added and with a click on a button a new xcarchive file with the entitlements included is created. Continue distributing as usual for instance in the Xcode Organizer.

Please look at the main page for the apps for more details.

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XCArchive Distribution Manager App - on the App Store

The Cookbook for Me Logo The Cookbook for Me

The Cookbook for Me App screenshot

Collect your recipes in the app "The Cookbook for Me".

  • organize recipes in categories
  • manage ingredients
  • store preparation steps
  • add photos and videos
  • calculate amounts for different number of people to serve
  • save and share recipes
  • no sign-up needed

Please look at the main page for the apps for more details.

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The Cookbook for Me App - on the App Store

Ueben Notes, Scales & Triads Logo Üben - Notes, Scales & Triads

Üben - Notes, Scales & Triads - Screenshot

Now Supports Assessment Mode!

The app can be used to practice notes, rests and scales. The app generates a random note or rest. Enter the name of the note or rest and the app shows, whether it was correct or not. If it was not, the correct name is shown.

When practicing scales, a random scale is selected and all notes for that scale must be entered. The app then shows, which notes were correct and which were not and a new random scale is selected.

Please look at the main page for the apps for more details.

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Üben - Notes, Scales & Triads - on the App Store



admaDIC developed an ADEduKit framework, which simplifies adding support for ClassKit and SchoolWork to apps. [more]



comdirect API

admaDIC developed a comdirect Bank API library for in-house use. With that library transactions can be read from own accounts at comdirect Bank AG, for which access via comdirect API has been enabled. [more]



admaDIC Presentation - ADPresentationKit

With the admaDIC Presentation Framework you can use custom view controller presentations in your app. [more]



Logo Bible WorkBible with Bible Work

Bibelarbeit Screenshot

"Bible with Bible Work" is intended for reading the bible and doing bible studies.

Bible studies can be edited, provided with pictures and exported as often as you like. Our Bible Verse of the Day is displayed in the app, in the widget and on the Apple Watch.



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Bible with Bible Work on the App Store

Minds In Space Logo Minds In Space

Minds In Space Screenshot

Supports MindWave™ Mobile EEG-Headset by NeuroSky, Inc.

"Minds in Space" is a space shooter controlled with your brain. With attention and meditation levels read by an EEG headset from your brain, you power the laser gun and the shields.

Your attention and meditation levels influence shooting and shield strength.

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Minds In Space on the App Store

Minds and Stars Logo Minds and Stars

Supports MindWave™ Mobile+ EEG-Headset by NeuroSky, Inc. and Apple TV®

In "Minds and Stars" you energize stars with your mind. With meditation and attention levels read by an EEG headset from your brain, you light up starlets and drag them to the star.

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Minds and Stars Screenshot


Minds and Stars on the App Store

Space Sticker Shooter Logo Space Sticker Shooter

Space Sticker Shooter Screenshot

"Space Sticker Shooter" is a game developed for casual players to have great fun in between and furthermore you get nice stickers for iMessage to show off your successes to your friends.

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Teen Dev Badge
Space Sticker Shooter on the App Store

VOF Solver Logo Voltorb Flip Solver

Voltorb Flip Screenshot

VOF Solver is an iPhone app which finds solutions for the voltorb flip game of Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver and helps chosing the cell with the lowest risk of losing the game.




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VOFSolver on the App Store

Base Pairs Logo Chain Matching DNA

Chain Matching DNA Screenshot

"Chain Matching DNA" needs you to build DNA sequences. Just pick the bases that match. Sounds like a piece of cake?

GameCenter is supported, so you can boast about your score.


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Chain Matching DNA on the App Store



Ueben Pro Logo Üben Pro

Üben Pro Screenshot

"Üben Pro" lets you practice musical notes, rounding, multiplication, addition and conversion.

The app is designed to be as simple as possible. This is great for children as it is super easy to use. Select a topic for a training and the app generates a random task. Enter the answer and the app shows, whether it was correct or not. If it was not, the correct answer is shown.

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Üben Pro on the App Store

BeNice Logo BeNice

BeNice Screenshot

BeNice keeps score of bonus points for good behavior.

Give points for being nice or - if you must - take away points for being not nice. Let your children see their growing score with good behavior. Turn plus points into reward points; for instance give out some extra candy for 100 points. Move the 100 points to the reward points.

You want to reward your children for good behaviour?


  • Add or subtract points (a person can have 0 to 1000 points)
  • Add details (descriptions like "Cleaned table")
  • Set icons for entries
  • Keeps history of recent descriptions
  • Person starts with score 50
  • Reward points (a person can have 0 to 1'000'000 reward points)
  • 100 Reward points give a gold star
  • Track score for many persons
  • Set icons or custom pictures for persons

This software uses icons from Icons8. (

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BeNice on the App Store

Ueben Roman Numbers Logo Üben Roman Numbers

Üben Roman Numbers Screenshot

"Üben Roman Numbers" lets you practice roman numbers.

The app is designed to be as simple as possible. This is great for children as it is super easy to use. The app generates a random task with a roman number shown. Enter the decimal number and the app shows, whether it was correct or not. When a task is answered, the app records whether the answer was correct or not.

Please look at the main page for the apps for more details.

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Üben Roman Numbers on the App Store

Play Tic-Tac-Toe Logo Play Tic-Tac-Toe

Play Tic-Tac-Toe Screenshot

""Play Tic-Tac-Toe" is an iMessage App Extension so you can play it with your friends without leaving iMessage.

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